The first Legend of Mushroom Dungeon that players unlock allow players to fight for the chance to win lamps, which can be used to gain gear, exp, and gold. The Legend of Mushroom Assault Lamp Thief dungeon is unlocked once players clear the stage of Normal 2-8. Players are given two keys per day, and can receive another two from viewing adverts. Further keys can be bought in packages, earned through daily activities, or won through other events.
As players beat Assault Lamp Thief’s, they increase in difficulty. Players must beat the previous difficult to unlock the next higher difficulty. With each additional level of Thief, players receive an extra 5 lamps. For example, level 1 offers a reward of 50 lamps, level 2 is 55, and level 20 is 145. Players can select “Sweep Last” which means to do the previous level of thief they fought, or they can select the level. It is advisable to fight the highest level of thief that you can win in order to maximize rewards.
Bonus tips:
- Level cap is 150
- Counter doesn’t work as Genie does not hit you
Credit: Thanks to MommySoul // Soulcry for providing us with this information!