Age of Empires Mobile Civilization Guide

Table of Contents

The Age of Empires Mobile civilizations offer a unique gaming experience. In total there is eight civilizations, each offering their own buffs and visuals when the playing the game. This guide will discuss each civilizations, the Age of Empires Mobile best civilization for each stage of the game, and how to change civilization in Age of Empires Mobile. Note that due to the complexity and depth of the game, you should not use this guide as gospel, but instead use it to make an informed decision about what civilization is best for your set up.

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Every Age of Empires Mobile Civilization Explained

Now we will discuss every Age of Empires Mobile civilization, talking about their buffs and how impactful it would be depending on what stage of the game you are at.

Chinese Civilization Explained

Age of Empires Mobile Chinese Civilization buffs
Age of Empires Mobile Chinese civilization graphics

The Chinese civilization in Age of Empires Mobile offers a 5% increase in Archers’ Defense, a +8 villager capacity, and a +10% Walls Durability. The Archers’ Defense is obviously only important if you have built a solid Archer march and is quite self explanatory. The villager capacity makes the Chinese a great early game choice because it allows you to gain resources faster, and have more villagers to use in the limited-time assignments. The +10% Walls Durability is pretty much pointless, as if you need it – it means you are being defeated anyway, so it is not something to hold value to.

French Civilization Explained

Age of Empires Mobile French Civilization buffs
Age of Empires Mobile French civilization graphics

The French civilization in Age of Empires Mobile offers a 5% increase in Cavalry’s Defense, a 5% in Resource Exchange Rate, and a 10% increase to Gathering Troops’ Defense. Like the recommendation for the Chinese civilization, the 5% increase in Cavalry defense is really only a choice that you can make – if you have a strong cavalry march already and you feel like the buff here is worth it. The resource exchange rate is not too impactful because of how easy it is to acquire resource chests – that allow you to select what resource you get. The 10% increase to gathering troops’ defense is very dependent on how your server is – if they are aggressive and ’tile hitting’ (when someone attacks a resource tile) then it may be worth it, but if you do not encounter tile hitting then it would be a waste. From my experience, players tend to have a mutual agreement not to tile hit unless they are at war.

Byzantines Civilization Explained

Age of Empires Mobile Byzantines Civilization buffs
Age of Empires Mobile Byzantines civilization graphics

The Byzantines civilization in Age of Empires Mobile offers a 5% increase in Swordsmen’s Defense, a 5% increase in all unit types’ siege damage, and a 5% increase in stone gathering speed in the world. Again the swordsmen’s defense is very much up to yourself and your current troop composition. The unit types’ siege damage in my opinion is not hugely worth it and there is better options available. The increase in stone gathering speed is always a welcomed addition, as it allows you to gain resources faster, meaning you can grow quicker.

Romans Civilization Explained

Age of Empires Mobile Romans Civilization buffs
Age of Empires Mobile Romans civilization graphics

The Romains Age of Empires Mobile civilization offers an increase a Pikemen’s Defense buff of 5%, as well as a 5% healing speed buff, and a +30 villagers’ boost to buildings’ production. Again, the pikemen’s defense buff comes down to your troop composition. The healing speed buff may be nice in the later aspects of the game, but in the early-stage the healing times are already very short and so is not necessary. The villagers’ boost to buildings’ production is not hugely significant unless you are on an aggressive server that does not allow resource farming on tiles – although this may become more impactful as you gain more villagers, and could be helpful towards the mid to late game, but it is certainly not a viable early game choice.

British Civilization Explained

Age of Empires Mobile British Civilization buffs
Age of Empires Mobile British civilization graphics

The British Age of Empires Mobile civilization offers a 5% increase in archers’ defense, a 10% increase in player citadel’s defense bonus, and a 5% increase in the production of mills. Surely you have got it by now – the troop buff is at your discretion and depends on your current composition. The 10% increase in a player citadel’s defense bonus is a very viable option if you are often being attacked. The 5% increase in the production of mills is nothing too spectacular, although it would be helpful if you were unable to farm resources on the world map. The British civilization makes for a great ‘war time’ civilization – if you are being attacked, and you can’t farm, this is a very suitable civilization to adapt.

Egyptians Civilization Explained

Age of Empires Mobile Egyptians Civilization buffs
Age of Empires Mobile Egyptians civilization graphics

The Egyptian Age of Empires Mobile civilization offers a 5% increase in pikemen’s defense, as well as a 5% increase in troop load, and a 5% increase in gathering troop unit loss prevention. The 5% increase in troop load may be useful if there is a city you are looking to plunder for it resources as it will reduce the amount of time you spend attacking it, which will mean there is less time for reinforcements to arrive. The 5% increase in gathering troop unit loss prevention is not a strong buff – if your resource tiles are being attacked, then do not farm. Switch to another civilization that offers in-citadel bonuses to resource production.

Japanese Civilization Explained

Age of Empires Mobile Japanese Civilization buffs
Age of Empires Mobile Japanese civilization graphics

The Japanese Age of Empires civilization increase swordsmen’s defense by 5%, gives a 5% increase in attack against player citadels, and a 10% attack against tribes in the world. The 5% increase in attack against player citadels is very strong, and you should consider switching to the Japanese civilization if you plan on attacking lots of players citadels. The 10% attack against tribes in the world appears to be a strong buff, but in actual fact if you play from the first day of your server releasing, you should be able to keep up with the new tribe levels that get unlocked without any problems – which negates the need for the buff. Nevertheless, this buff would mean you would kill them quicker, resulting in less wounded, meaning you spend less resources on healing and more on growing.

Koreans Civilization Explained

Age of Empires Mobile Koreans Civilization buffs
Age of Empires Mobile Koreans civilization graphics

Last but not least, the Koreans Age of Empires Mobile civilization. This civilization offers a 5% increase in cavalry defense, a +500k looting limit, as well as a 10% increase in resource storage protection rate. The 500k increase in looting limit is impactful in the early game, but by the time you get to late game, your War Hall will be level 50 and will have a 20M looting limited – meaning this buff only increase it by 5%. The looting limit makes this a very interesting early / mid stage pick. It costs 200 Empire Coins to switch civilization (more on this later), which is the equivalent of 40k resources in the store., meaning you would be net positive 460k resources (or saved 2,300 Empire Coins). Obviously resources can be bought at a discount, but even at a 50% discount, you would still be 420k resources net positive. The 10% increase in resource storage protection rate is not impactful for mains, realistically you should only be opening resources from your inventory when you are building / upgrading / healing / training troops – and therefore you should not have loads of resources open to be taken by enemies. This may however be useful if you use alt accounts, and then you can switch civilization when you go to plunder them (the 10% increase would be helpful if you forget to shield your account).

Age of Empires Mobile Best Civilizations

The best civilizations in Age of Empires Mobile depend on the stage of the game you are at, as well as your preference on troop type – which is linked to how much you spend in-game.

Early Game (Up to TC17)

The best Age of Empires Mobile Civilizations for early game would have to be either the Chinese, or the Korean.

The Chinese civilization offers a great +8 villager capacity, which can be used to gain more resources, or activate the limited-time assignments. The assignments can give you more stamina, cut down queue times, or allow you to gain additional resources.

The Korean civilization allows you to plunder an additional 500k resources per day – which at war halls level 1 to 17, ranges from a 500% to 8% increase. The War Hall is not required to be upgraded as part of the requirements of reaching TC level 17, and therefore naturally most players leave it at level 1 during the early game. This means that you will be gaining a 500% buff for this stat – which is huge.

Some sources have recommended to go with Japanese early in the game, although I don’t think the tribe buff impacts much – if you are active and play you will have no issue killing the tribes. The player attack buff is admittedly nice, but now is not the time to be attacking hard-to-kill players. Take this time to plunder the weak players who opened lots of resource and then went inactive or quit, do not focus on killing the strong players around you. It will stunt your growth – this game is meant to be played long-term, its not a short term game like the original Age of Empires.

Mid Game (TC17 to TC25)

Once you reach mid game, fighting is probably starting to break out in your server – here civilizations become much more responsive to your situation. Before now, you have probably picked a civilization and not had to change it, but as the server progresses and things like Level 9 cities unlock, the fighting will intensify. Recommendations for the mid game are as follows Byzantines, Romans, Japanese and British.

The Byzantines civilization is good in mid game as you look to advance through the map and capture cities etc. The 5% increase in all unit types’ siege damage will thoroughly help with this and is a solid pick. Especially due to the low cost of switching civilization, if your team all switches when they plan to attack cities then it will have a large effect.

The Romans civilization will be a slightly controversial pick, but I believe the healing speed buff will be a big help as you advance, and if you cannot farm in tiles then the +30 villagers’ boost would be a nice bump to your resource production. I would suggest you weigh up the cost of healing that extra 5% in speeds, to the 200 Empire Coins required to switch.

The Japanese culture offering a 5% increase in attack against players citadels will be good if the battles are heating up and players are exchange blows. Likewise, for this reason I also recommend the British for their defense buffs.

Late Game (TC25+)

There is no set recommendations for late game, because this will largely depend on your situation – and by this point you should be used to weighing up the cost/benefit of switching to various civilizations depending on that situation. I would however not recommend Egyptian or French civilizations – as their buffs are not particularly strong, and if you need a certain troop buff, there is other alternatives.

How to Change Civilization in Age of Empires Mobile

Changing your civilization in Age of Empires Mobile is a relatively easy process, although costs 200 Empire Coins – your first time changing though will be free! Due to the low cost of changing, it is advised to change your civilization frequently to adapt to the situation you are in – although note there is a cooldown associated with changing Civilization, which you shall see when you make the change (approximately 6 hours). Below is how to change your Age of Empires Mobile civilization in 3 simple steps:

Step One:

Click on your profile at the top of left on the screen when viewing your Citadel or world map.

Inside Citadel with Chinese civilization graphics in Age of Empires Mobile

Step Two:

Click on your current civilization on the right hand side of the screen, to the left of your current Age.

Governor information menu in Age of Empires Mobile

Step Three:

Select the civilization you want, then click “Confirm”, and then “Confirm” again. You have now changed your Age of Empires Mobile civilization!

Changing civilization to British in Age of Empires Mobile
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