Evony Defense Generals – Free to Play

This list contains the best Defense Generals for F2P players. Generals are very unique to each players playstyle, and therefore you may wish to deviate from this list – treat this list as more of a general guidance rather than an absolute.

‘Maxed out’ in this guide shall refer to a General that is level 40 (due to limit information at level 45), fully ascended, fully cultivated, full specialties (except 5th), skin (if applicable), and skill books.

Defense Generals Ranked

1 – Zachary Taylor

Zachary Taylor can be found in Relics therefore making him easier to Ascend.

His base special skill provides a 50% Range Attack buff.

When maxed out, Zachary Taylor has the following buffs:


For further information on Zachary Taylor, click here.

2 – Queen Boudica

Queen Boudica can be found in Tavern therefore making her easier to Ascend.

Her base special skill provides a 15% buff to ground and mounted HP, as well as a 30% buff to mounted attack.

When maxed out, Queen Boudica has the following buffs:


Please note, it is not advised for you to equip Queen Boudica unless you are creating a t1 Cav Trap. This is due to her very high mounted buffs, although most players build a range march to counter mounted as it is the choice of troops for PVE. This is dangerous though as you face larger keeps, it will be hard as a free to play player to beat players with large ranged buffs. Use with caution.

For further information on Queen Boudica, click here.

3 – Richard the Lionheart

Richard the Lionheart can be found in Tavern therefore making him easier to Ascend.

His base special skill provides a 30% Hospital Capacity.

When maxed out, Richard the Lionheart has the following buffs:


For further information on Richard the Lionheart, click here.

4 – Jadwiga

Jadwiga can be found in Tavern therefore making him easier to Ascend.

His base special skill provides a 30% mounted attack, and a 25% siege attack buff.

When maxed out, Jadwiga has the following buffs:


For further information on Jadwiga, click here.

5 – Kusunoki Masashige

Kusunoki Masashige can be found in Tavern therefore making him easier to Ascend.

His base special skill provides a 20% mounted attack and 35% ranged attack buff.

When maxed out, Kusunoki Masashige has the following buffs:


For further information on Kusunoki Masashige, click here.


In conclusion, a defense general is subjective to your playstyle. Queen Boudica is great for mounted, although this will be tough as free to play player coming against high level keeps with great ranged buffs. Richard the Lionheart is great all round buffs, and has an added bonus of added hospital capacity. Zachary Taylor is focused in arch, which is probably the best buffs overall to look for as a free to play player.