The Destructive Attack quest is part of the Gather Troops event, which happens quite commonly. This event allows players to receive lots of advanced teleports, dragon crystals, and level 5 materials for killing other player’s troops. For BOB servers, this shouldn’t be an issue, but for NAP servers where killing is prohibited, there are strategies to help achieve these rewards.
Within your alliance, plan out a time for everyone to reinforce the alliance city with 1,000 random troops – with or without a general. Then have an alt account, or a member of another alliance, attack the city 5 times with 100,000 T1 troops. By doing this everyone reinforcing will get the credit for killing the troops. Typically my alliance runs this twice during the event duration in order to allow everyone, regardless of timezone, to ensure they get the rewards.
The total rewards for killing 500,000 troops is:
- 32 Advanced Teleports
- 32 Dragon Crystals
- 16 Level 5 Materials
- 2 Party Invitations (if event is running also)