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Table of Contents

archArcher (troop type, also known as Ranged)
bubbleShield / Truce Agreement
cavCavalry (troop type, also known as Mounted)
k(number)Refers to keep level, for example k11 = keep level 11
t(number)Refers to tier level of troops, for example t12 = tier 12 troops
SVSServer versus server
BOBBubble or burn (Either stay shielded or die)
NAPNon-Aggressive Pack (No attacking)
TilesThe resource tiles found on world map
TilingAttacking resource tiles
acEither alliance city, or alliance chat depending on context
c(number)Cerberus (event boss) and its level
BOCBattle of Constantinople
BOGBattle of Guagamela
UDUndead Event
WBWorld Boss Event
b(number)Bosses, and their level
wcWorld Chat
r5Leader of an alliance
r4Second in command in an alliance
r3Third rank in an alliance
r2Second rank in an alliance
r1First (lowest) rank in an alliance
matsMaterials (Used to make equipment for Generals)
baconStamina (some players say the icon looks like bacon)
farmThis could mean an alt account used to make resources, the action of gathering resources, or the action of killing bosses repeatedly